Has anyone else bumped into this game, World of Goo, yet? I heard about it yesterday from a friend and DS8 had a great deal of fun racing through the free demo. I haven't looked into how much the game costs, but it was quite fun and entertained DS for a while.


It is a lot like Fantastic Contraptions except you are working with a fluid goo instead of rigid wheels and rods. The goal is to "build" structures with the polymer-like balls of goo in order to solve the puzzle. You have to use a little bit of engineering to make your structure stable or the goo will sag and collapse. I think it is a bit simpler than fantastic contraptions, although I only saw the beginning challenges. DS caught onto the concept of how to stabilize the structure quickly and thus went through the demo level in maybe 40 minutes. It would be nice to see more of the game to see how complicated the structures or goals can get. Maybe someone already has the full version and can tell me if it is worth the price?

Mom to DS12 and DD3