My ds8 is in 3rd, doing very well in most subjects (a's). Math has always been a conundrum - he's just flummoxed by these timed math sheets, and this week the whole thing started all over again. He got a 'd' on his first (and apparently ONLY) assessment on simple addition math facts.
Previously this year he was sailing through most of his math homework, it's pretty simple stuff after all at this point: review from 2nd.
Anyway, he came home tuesday with the news about the d.
Later that evening he was really struggling with his math worksheet, and by the end of it just said 'I'm really lost in MATH!'. It was like his ability to any of it had just gone out the window.
I was pretty dismayed. I spoke with the teacher and she said she'd noticed he mostly does fine in math, and couldn't really understand the d. She will work with him on it and re-test at some point, and at least attach that sheet to the first one, so that is good. Not sure if he'll do any better.
I suggested also that he's pretty visual and if any of the work could be more along those lines, pictures, physical representations of things, etc., that might be helpful.
Last night was a repeat of the 'I'm lost in math' scenario, but even worse!! He worked on avoiding the worksheet for at least 20 minutes and then when it finally came down to doing it, did one sheet in an aching 30 minutes and the next sheet he didn't even finish. I am going to try to get him to do it this morning before class. It is mostly pretty basic stuff, so when he said last night 'I'm SOOOOOOO Bored', I could see why.
I read JBDad's recent post about mixing it up with harder stuff, so I tried a bit, and that was at least something he was interested in doing but we had run out of time to do too much.
It was massively frustrating to me and him. At one point I had to leave the room because I was getting so upset - thinking WHY DOESN'T HE JUST DO THE WORK, I KNOW HE CAN, it's like torture for both of us. I think the whole circus lasted about 1.5 hours! ug.
To cap off this lousy night, he whizzed through his government quiz study and took a much needed break and read some Calvin and Hobbes so I think he was ok by the end of hte night, but I am not.
I will throw into the mix that I might be a lousy person to be working with him on this, and our toddler did interrupt quite a bit because DH was working out of the house.

Can anyone tell me if this might indicate a learning disability and if so, what sort? Also, what kind of testing might be helpful to get to the bottom of this?
He (like all the 3rd grdrs) is going to take a Cogat and maybe some other testing this year for the next level GT program that starts in 4th. He is in the 1st level program now.
Lastly, I would consider going through the school to get testing done for an ld, but I would like to know what pitfalls to avoid if anyone has any tips. We are in va.