It's unfortunate. Here is the email they sent. I wonder why the College Board has made it impossible for children below age 13 to take the SAT.
Edit: a College Board
site says "Due to federal regulations, College Board is no longer allowing students under 13 years old to register for SAT weekend." I wonder which regulations prohibit this.
Dear SET students,
We hope you are all doing well. From the interactions we have had with many of you this year, you appear as a group to have fared exceptionally well during the Pandemic. You maintained high academic standards, sought opportunities for self-improvement, and stayed involved in activities. You helped your families in important ways, and many of you extended your service to your communities by engaging in food drives, tutoring students, picking up groceries for senior citizens, sewing masks, and/or raising needed funds for special programs. Those of you who applied to college last year dealt with unpredictable admissions policies and were unable to visit campuses, yet you ended up for the most part happy at the institutions you are now attending. Overall, you should be proud of what you accomplished during this challenging time!
We are writing today to share with you some significant changes that SET has experienced in the last year. In July, the College Board announced that it has ceased allowing students under the age of 13 to register for the SAT. They also eliminated their relationships with the Talent Search organizations, which allowed parents to directly register their younger students. As you may know, SET has relied exclusively on the SAT for eligibility since its founding, and most SET students test when they are 12 years of age or younger. This College Board decision eliminated our pipeline to new members; thus, new admissions to SET for students who tested after summer 2021 are suspended. We are committed, however, to continuing to be of service to current SET families, so please reach out to us if we can help you with any educational or college admissions decision-making. For those of you who have siblings who might want to test for SET and now cannot, be aware that we serve SET families and your siblings are welcome to seek information or advice from us as well.
The other news is that we are discontinuing the production of the SET Precollege Newsletter for the coming year. Many factors have influenced this decision and it may not be a permanent one. Meanwhile, to ensure that our communication with SET families continues, we plan to send more group emails such as this one and will be scheduling virtual Zoom sessions.