Welcome JAJ!
Sorry for the delayed response. To reduce the presence of spambots on the forum, the first 5 posts of new members do not appear immediately, but are held for moderation.
Once approved, these new member posts may have aged a bit and therefore not be listed as "Recent Posts." (Therefore may go unnoticed for a while.)Glad you found the online information for
qualifications/application for the DYS program. The parent questionnaire of the DYS application does not require long answers. For example, it asks parents to "... describe an incident..." which tends to suggest providing a small insight into one occurrence of observing your child which helped you, as the parent, to understand that your child had a non-typical intellectual profile and different learning needs and/or learning style. A gifted child's insatiable curiosity and unquenchable thirst for knowledge is not limited to academic subjects.

Links about perfectionism and anxiety may be of interest. Here is a brief roundup:
- roundup on
perfectionism and anxiety- post on
perfectionsim- another post on
perfectionism- post on
anxiety- Understood.org,
Stress & anxietyMany people pick up on social skills, body language, friendship, and societal norms through casual observation in everyday situations. Unfortunately some may not. This may be due, in part, to observing many inconsistencies (such as different rules and expectations for different people). Some may benefit from direct teaching of social skills, rules and conventions. This teaching may help increase comfort and ease in social situations, and may also help children articulate if they have witnessed and/or been subject to inconsistencies, such as favoritism and/or unjust social pressures.
- book:
100 social rules for kids (hat tip to sanne)- direct teaching of
non-verbal cues- direct teaching of
friendship - direct teaching of
perspective taking- link to an article on the Davidson Database,
Tips For Parents: Gifted Children's Friendships-
post with roundup of articles on friendship
Hope this post helps provide some reassurance!