Hi Grinity! It is great to hear from you. Sounds like you and your son have handled big changes very well. I am glad to hear things are moving in a positive direction for both of you.
When I was more active on this forum (because I had so many questions!!), you were a huge support and voice of reason and experience. I appreciated your insight, and most of the time I agreed with you.

You were also a wonderful mediator when there was dissent on the board, helping all of us to be civil and accepting of alternate viewpoints.
My DS is now 10 and in 6th grade. He is doing really well, grade-skipped once and subject accelerated in math. After having been at a really good-fit full-time GT program, DS wanted to try something different, so he's now in a new small and flexible school, but with no GT program. They seem willing to learn about GT and be flexible, so that is good. DS at first was happy to coast, but then realized that he really did need some more challenging work, and he is learning to self-advocate. This I find wonderful, as I had been worried that he wasn't the type to speak up for himself, but it didn't take very long for him to realize that it actually is a good thing.