oh YAY! thanks for posting more!
ultramarina - your DD's birds are so, so lovely. and that's so neat about her synthesis of images into her own representations, too! i showed these to DD5 and she was amazed by them - i bet they inspire her to try some birds. she said they looked exactly like what she imagined Prue McKeel's bird sketches (Prue is a character from Wildwood, by Colin Meloy) would look like.
Mana - oh, get ready, because DD was
exactly like that when she was 3! every drawing had all these weird little details, funny stuff like plaid shirts or little circles to represent knee caps and elbows on what were otherwise just stick figures. she's still obsessed with anatomy - working with a med school test prep app is a perennial favourite activity of hers*, as well as poring over an artist's human anatomy textbook. in time, you may find yourself the proud owner of the weirdest resources!

Marnie - number people are awesome! and i bet there's a great story lurking in that...
*item #518 in Things I Could Only EVER Mention Here!