I tend to think you're correct, pbear.
Whether or not a person is gifted or not really shouldn't be a factor...or should it?
This is where I wonder.
If you have two people who are at polar opposites (grin) in their perception of the world, how can such a relationship survive?
My personal POV: If you have two people who don't see the world in somewhat similar ways, those two people will "butt heads". So, if you have a gifted person and a non-gifted, wouldn't it follow that they will have a higher likelihood of conflict?
I'm bored today apparently, so I've been fantasizing a scenario...
DS (Now married/committed relationship) comes home from a long day at the office and his DW/D? has made a gourmet dinner after her long day...
DS takes a bite and declares it tastes, "Blue-Green" and grimaces.

Unless she understands his viewpoint on food and color, what is she going to think? I mean, regardless of the fact that he obviously doesn't like what she has made?