oh wow, i'm so behind on these! amazing, all of them.
frannieandejsmom - just... wow. Frannie's piece is literally bursting with energy.
squishys - this IS a fun one, isn't it? i love the food one with the pretzel - very tricky and everything is so carefully rendered. i think indigo nails it there - there's just so much time and effort put into all of these!
Ametrine, i think the reddish thing is the slope of the grassy area as it comes down toward the water. there's a bit of colour variation in there that got a bit messy for DD5 when she realized it might come out the same shade as the railings - she wound up making that area lighter, rather than darker (except for those top bits). with such a limited range of colours in her case, contrast is worrying her these days - i think i'll have to get her a better pack of pencil crayons soon!
ultramarina - holy! those are INCREDIBLE. i love the cat one especially - there's so much personality and life in that one.
keep 'em coming, folks!!