think about how/what you will say carefully, I know you will- but I mean- where we are, in order to receive district services ie speech ot etc, you must be in the districts programs- whether that is preschool for the 3/4 yo's or kinder for 5s and so on.
I know I have posted somewhere that no way was I putting my kiddo in the various preschool classes available to him thru our district, BUT I wanted the services- speech therapy to be exact! and so I HAD TO place him at age 3....
I was less than thrilled with that initial preschool...
sooooo Call it Fate or God or plain ole fashioned Luck? but early on there was an issue with the teacher and my child, and I pulled him- refused to allow him to step foot in her presence ever again- (later on the police would stop by investigating that particular teacher, and what transpired with my son)
ok, so- long story short- he continued to receive his services!!!
the next year, turning 4years, I just don't enroll him but continue services! after some time they realized he wasn't in "school", we had an IEP, I am told he must do preschool for services- I ask for several to choose from- none were a fit for my child, and I refused them and it helped the teacher also thought my child didn't belong- and we kept services

hahaaha later on, that spring? they did MAKE me take him to a biweekly 1.5hr class for kids 4-6yrs, Latino's with little English!! (for the record, we are white and speak only English) but I chose to embrace it

it was another awesome social experience for my DS and I was right there with him the whole time! he also was able to become a sort of obvious "leader" because he already knew English LOL and so the kids gravitated to him, which really empowered him and gave his social skills and self esteem a healthy boost- not to mention they were all great kids, who cares about language when you get kids together? they figure out how to play
moving on, age 4 turning 5, I refused to allow him to start kindergarten, and so we lucked into a transitional kindergarten program, all kids were 4yrs turning 5 that fall/winter--- another perfect social learning environment for my child to grow in, while learning about how a school day functions/routines etc
MK- I really think these are the types of things your kiddo's need! I think whatever you choose will ultimately work out for you guys

you remind me a bit of me. just try to give them appropriate social opportunities, and stay positive and focused on your goals--- don't refuse the offer of preschool so much as get them to see that it isn't best fit and they somehow think it is their idea vs your idea
sorry my reply so long.
once again, I blame the coffee I drank too late in the day!!
take care!!