Lisa, math is so quantitative that I think I'd look for an option that is specifically tied to whatever curriculum he's missed out on. What grade is he going into, and what level of math is gifted vs what he's had? Is he going into 7th, and if so, are the gifted track kids in pre-algebra, algebra or farther along? What level of math was your ds in this year? I'm asking because that might make a difference in how I answer the question

Two options I'd consider (and I'm sure there are many others - I just like these options simply because they are quantifiably verifiable - you can take the record of what your ds has done as proof he's mastered the missing subject work):
Aleks - there are courses all the way up through Calculus offered, you pay one price per month and your child can work his way through the courses at his own pace. You (the parent) can set up quizzes etc to have a record of the types of work he's done, and the program will keep a record of what he's mastered that's tied back specifically to your (each) state's math curriculum standards. If your ds has missed a specific topic of instruction in one of the classes leading up to pre-algebra for instance, he should be able to go into Aleks (online), sign up for 6th grade math, he'll most likely fly through the initial assessment in all the topics he's been exposed to, miss the ones he hasn't seen, then be able to work through just that part of 6th grade math to complete it in Aleks... and then he can be moved up to the next level of math and so on and so on.
The other option I'd consider is summer school for the missing math. The potential downside to that is making sure he gets what he's missing and he's not forced to repeat too much of what he already has had.
And another possible option, if you have a very specific and relatively short list of topics he's missed, is tutoring through a private tutor who would focus on the specific topics.
Good luck with your IEP meeting!!!
ps - I know this isn't a data point you can use for your advocacy at school, but we used Aleks to keep our ds caught up to his level in math at home when he was being held back at school, and he was able to easily fit right into a 2-year school-skip in math when the opportunity opened up for him in middle school. So don't let the school staff try to talk you out of sending your ds into the program he needs to be in!