What a great idea! I think I may try this with my own dds

I don't have any suggestions for books, but one thing you might do is think back to what books *you* loved when you were the same age. I think when I was around 2nd-3rd grade I loved the Marguerite Henry books, The Black Stallion, Little House on the Prairie etc - it was more about the stories than having a challenging reading level for me at that point. None of those are all that interesting from an adult point of view, but I wouldn't mind re-reading them to relive my childhood fun!
ps - I did think of another idea - my ds loved loved loved the Guardian of GaHoole and Warrior series... I never had time to read them when he was into them but they would be two series I'd consider reading with my dds just because I am interested in reading them - from my ds' descriptions they sound great! Lemony Snicket might be another, and easier, read.
eta - A Tree Grows in Brooklyn was another one of my childhood favorites.