http://www.noteflight.comI'm just giving this another bump because I think other kids here might enjoy this.
Also, I just want to share a bit. My DS11 has been composing on this program almost daily for over a month. He is writing notes for 5 different instruments. I'm not sure he is actually composing something that could be played. I think his composing and listening is an interesting way to self teach/learn.
I wish he would let me show it to someone who knows about music. I have given him a few thoughts like, "have you ever thought about what you like about the music you listen to?" It seems it's a balance of variety and repetion. He seemed to like me saying this.
I'm not musical. I have made listening and singing to music a part of our lives which has been wonderful.
I find my kids are interesting.
Anyone musical out there care to comment.