Originally Posted by Grinity
But I don't understand howcome Math is going to be boring all the rest of the year? Can you graduate him early? Doesn't homeschooling mean that you can chose the curriculum yourself?

((perplexed brow wrinkle))

I use Rightstart Math. Typically, how RS works is that it gives you something meaty.....then allows time for the brain to process by totally switching gears to geometry. For example, yesterday was patterns in numbers. He'll still have 4-5 multi-digit multiplication problems to do each day for a few days but the main topic will be something different. It actually moves into division which the way RS teaches up to this point, is pretty effortless. We've already done those lessons however out of order so next it'll be data analysis, polygons, congruency, scaling and fractions - none of which will send him over the edge and will be a welcome relief, I think, from multiplication. So it's not that it'll be boring, it'll just be different.

Dazey (just as confuzed as ever)