Originally Posted by Dazed&Confuzed
Just for some back story as I've not been here for a bit....we put our house on the market Feb-March 2010 which meant lots of cleaning, moving things into storage, painting, keeping the house spic and span while HSing for showings. All this done by me as DH works 12-13hrs/day. And then near daily drives to look at potential houses and not finding anything....oh the stress. Found the not-so-perfect house (really wanted that dedicated HS room) on the perfect property. Got a buyer for our house and into contract on the new. Spent the summer dealing w/ new house construction and contractors. New house not ready, need to close on the old house, pack the old house all by myself, move everything into garage of new house while awaiting inspection, live in a hotel for 1.5weeks....move from garage into the new house, school started 2 weeks later. And then weekends filled w/ hours and hours of yardwork and now two boys on travel soccer. I have. not. stopped since last February.

On a brighter note, I started exercising daily in November (I'm a P90X grad!) and I cured my insomnia which has plagued me for years. So, believe it or not, I now have more patience than before.
((Jaw dropping on floor - makes an interesting noise!))
Wow - good for you on all that! I'm amazed you have on unfried neuron left. I hope that basement gets finished quickly!

I have heard that some noise-sensitive kids are very noisy ((I think I'm one of those)) I'm wondering if he needs his own ipod on in the background so he can get the audio stim he needs without having to produce it all himself. Of course he'll probably sing along, so pick something you like - or classical without words?

But I don't understand howcome Math is going to be boring all the rest of the year? Can you graduate him early? Doesn't homeschooling mean that you can chose the curriculum yourself?

((perplexed brow wrinkle))

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