Originally Posted by knute974
The ed psych who did DD's IQ and achievement testing in first grade is not a particularly good advocate in meetings. I'm reluctant to pay her to come along since she wasn't particularly helpful last time....
I got the 504 because I had the diagnosis from the ed psych and last year's teacher supported it based on her classroom experiences particularly with writing.

I have at times resorted to hiring an educational advocate who's experienced with the politics in our district, in addition to our experts-- precisely because she has a different set of negotiating skills and expertise.

A 504 is a vulnerable thing-- while an IEP carries some real legal protections, a 504 is much more subject to the whim of school personnel. Unless you have something good to counter the teacher's claims, or a principal or other highly placed person who really understands writing problems (rare), you're right to anticipate a problem. Combing back through the teacher's email to you is a great idea, as well as any collected work you have that shows inconsistency of product.

If she did need 3 extra minutes on that test, that's good-- at least she didn't finish early...
