HG is such that even with good pull out programs and differentiation in the classroom, or a single gradeskip, the child will still feel that school is dull, and that the other kids, even in the gifted program, are incomprehensibly stupid.
While I'd hope DD7 was sufficiently well-mannered not to describe her classmates as incomprehensibly stupid, yeah, this. Last year, I was really struck by how her same-aged friends wouldn't understand the words DD used, and I attributed it to her picking friends who were kind of at the margins of the group, both socially and academically. After a grade skip, she seemed to fit right in with the older kids. And then last week, she had a friend over, and that little girl (18 months older than DD and gifted-identified) was asking DD to spell things for some project they were creating, and was asking DD to define the words she was using.
DD is interested in additional subject acceleration, but we have parental disagreement as to the wisdom of that, and I'm not sure I want to go to the mat for next year or bide my time. (My partner was the kind of kid who preferred to blend in, and was successful in doing so, so she sees skipping as making DD more-obviously freakish. I was the kid who never managed to blend in, and see the skip as making her less-obviously freakish. DD does not consider herself freakish, but chafes at the level and pace even with a skip.)