Yes, it is 1 in 1,000. I could be wrong, but due to the need to have both ability and achievement scores in that range, I suspect the # who qualify might be somewhat less than 1 in 1,000.
Very Good point. I've always focused on the other half. Since a child only needs to have over 145 in either Verbal or Performance or GAI there are a lot of kids (like mine) who have a Full Scale much less than 145 (1 in 1000) but still qualify on the IQ portion. So I don't see my son as 'exactly' 1 in 1000 for the population, and guess that he's closer to 1 in 500. I may have to 'up' my estimate now though- seeing Cricket's good point.
I find it heartbreaking when it comes time to actually draw a line. Do I think Cricket's child is 'less gifted' than mine? Of course not. I think that all programs targeted to gifted kids should have 'steps' to cover the various 'rareness bands.' I've worked hard to create a place (right here) where parents of 'near Davidson' kids can get the best of what DYS offers. I hope it's working for parents of 'near DYS' kids and will continue to work.
Love and More Love,