Originally Posted by Lukemac
Because this thread is so hot... I will post this question to you all? How do you all differntiate between OG, MG, EG, and PG? there are so many different charts lurking out there...
Remember that - for me - gifted isn't an absolute number - it's a problem that arises when a child is unique enough that she or he needs more academic challenge that is likely to be provided in a regular classroom. So please do not connect my personal definitions with any numbers you may have heard. Thanks.

For the purposes of abstraction, I'm leaving out all the 2E kids from this general set of definition. Srry.

So OG = MG, such at the children are at the top end of class, but hardly unique, and really benifit from differentiated material in the classroom and the periodic pull out. If the school has no accomidations, there needs might well be met by afterschooling, saturday programs, summer camps, WITH top-notch parenting so that they learn good work ethic. A single grade skip can be expected to work for many of these kids who wouldn't be learning good work ethic otherwise.

HG is such that even with good pull out programs and differentiation in the classroom, or a single gradeskip, the child will still feel that school is dull, and that the other kids, even in the gifted program, are incomprehensibly stupid. A single gradeskip Plus pull-outs, plus differentiation might work nicely, or suject acceleration might be needed on top of that - depending how 'across the board' the kid is.

PG is more rare. Individual variation is much wider. Like all kids, but with more urgency, they need to be looked at individually to see what it is that they actually need academically. There may be no overt signs of achievement or accomplishment, but once the child gets over their enforced underachievement, they would likely do well with subject accelerations 2-3 grade levels, or much, much,much more above their agemates, provided that accomidations are made for their asynchronous development. It is said that the higher the level of giftedness the more individualized a solution a child will need.

Hope that helps -

Last edited by Grinity; 04/07/11 04:40 AM. Reason: thumbs up to Kaibab!

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