Originally Posted by Pru
So what is the proper time to unleash my inner Tiger Father and force/aid her into finishing such projects after the bubbles of inspiration have been popped by the prickly details, leaving only the prospect of hard work?

As some of the other posters mentioned, I too could have used strong arms to help me conquer and tame my perfectionism and do the necessary hard work.

I think that there is a middle path - you provide your dd with some of the tools so she knows that she can work hard.
I'm not sure why- but I prefer a child to get used to working hard on school or adult supervised afterschool activities, rather than self-generated projects.

For the self-generated ones, I'd get out that old 'Wishcraft' Book and help the child follow the steps - with self-generated projects there are usually very real reasons why the project won't work. Maybe I'd 'nag/bribe/re-inforce' doing one simple step per day - but maybe not! I think the proper mindset is to expect that projects have an 'exploration' phase where one does some R&D, and then decides to allocate time and money to the project in the 'commitment' phase.

Make sense?

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