Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
Ironically, I'm motivated by an almost diammetrically opposed set of inner motivations. Oh, sometimes it is about the details escaping me when I start a project...

but sometimes it is because once I have the entire thing (planning, troubleshooting, etc) done in my mind, there's just no point in the physical/corporeal task of making it all a reality.

It's a very Zen approach to things. I can imagine the finished product, and therefore I don't need to bring another afghan into the world, since it exists in my mind's eye. Of course, this doesn't explain why I have the materials for the project. blush

This is me and my DS9 to a "T". He told me the other day...homework and tests are pointless. I know I know and that is enough. Now if only we can convince the world that!