Your son is definitely gifted, and if there is a gifted program at school, I would guess he would do well in it. Even if your school doesn't have a gifted program, there are probably kids in the regular classroom who he can compete/collaborate with at his level. Around here we call this 'optimally gifted' in that the teachers would be expected to have known enough other children with his level of giftedness as to be experienced and comfortable. Through the magic of the Internet, many of the posters here have 'rather the opposite kind of gifted kids' so don't freak out over our gloom and doom if you choose to stick around and read more, ok? Call you state gifted organization and join up - there may be Saturday classes or Summer programs targeted to Gifted kids that 'make learning fun!'

There is no handwriting without balance, strength and coordination, so get as much OT in as possible. Add swimming, martial arts, whatever physical activity you can.
That's Job 1.
Other ideas:
'Hothouse' typing (my son was fluent at age 9, and never had another problem with written product as long as a keyboard was available.)

I found the 'Handwriting without Tears' products very mom-friendly. If there is a seminar teaching how to use 'The Print Tool' going on nearby, attend and then you can do as much writing practice at home as you need. If you have more money than time, find a local tester/tutor that uses Handwriting without Tears products. I found that 5 minutes of making pretty letters on their fabulous paper in the evening after work was a fun way to spend time with my son, sort of calming. We'd do that for a week or two and then put it away for a few months.

Does your son like school? Is he 'learning how to learn?'

Best Wishes,

Coaching available, at