My son, 8, was just assessed and, although the referral question was ADD (and the answer was YES DEFINITELY), I want to make sure there are no other issues I should be pursuing, like maybe a learning disability? I've read lots of posts here so far and some are similar. You guys are amazingly informed, so I'm hoping you'll have some feedback for me. Here are his WISC score:

VCIQ 132
sim 16
voc 15
comp 15

PRI 104
bd 8
pc 10
mr 14

WMI 113
ds 17
lns 8

PSI 85
cod 6
ss 9

He takes FOREVER to write a sentence. He was diagnosed with sensory processing issues, which manifested as balance, strength and coordination issues, but he had an OT evaluation and they said he had no issues with writing (I disagree). Hoping for feedback!