Just a quickie smile Got ds7's report cards this week - I had to laugh at the 2nd grade reading section - he has always been marked as "above grade level" - but on this on, it says "at grade level". He's had a sub, as his teacher is on maternity leave, and the sub is actually a library assistant, so I'm sure she just didn't know there was an "above grade level" to select. Ah well, I think we'll survive. He also gets a 3rd grade report card for math only - and he got 99%. As well as going to math, he has been going to 3rd grade to work on a "Dream Clubhouse" project every day, which sounds like fun ! His 2nd grade class have been on field trips the past 3 days - Friday they went to the National Weather Service office, yesterday to the "Outdoor Campus" (nature oriented), and today to the washington Pavilion (science center). School sounds like SUCH hard work these days ! smile Oh - and he was also named his class "Top Dog" a couple of weeks ago (they choose one child from each class each quarter) - so he was pretty excited about that smile