I would really encourage you to read the book http://www.amazon.com/Misdiagnosis-Diagnoses-Gifted-Children-Adults/dp/0910707642

A gifted kid who isn't challenged in school can def. look impulsive, and become the class clown out of boredom. Or she (or you) could be both gifted and have ADHD.

Have you read about OEs?

Not everyone is in agreement on this, but it made a HUGE difference for me in understanding myself and my girls. For example, I see the impulsivity in my dd4 very differently than in my ds7. For her, it is caused by an intense curiousity and need to figure out how things work and understand her world, and it just makes sense to me that is more of psychomotor OE also. For my son, i.e. when he kicks over someone's blocks or knocks things off of a table, or hits his sister (whom he loves) while walking past her, it is simply impulsive. I don't know if I am articulating it well, but the difference is really clear to me.

I feel for your dd--and in a way it is good she is verbalizing her dislike of school already so you can try to make it better for her. I just became a slacker and sort of quietly defiant (and the slackerness in elementary and middle school wasn't related to ADHD, but lack of appropriate challenge.

Good luck!

Last edited by deacongirl; 03/21/11 05:24 PM. Reason: typo