Interesting you should mention your own diagnosis. I too was diagnosed late in life, five years ago, with ADHD impulsive. It sure explained a lot in a sad "if only" kind of way.

Knowing it is generally considered hereditary, obviously I am on high alert for DD. I will do everything in my power to prevent her from going through what I went through because of it. That makes me quite sensitive to possible signs and obviously I will need to strike a balance and rely on objective third parties.

DD definitely has the hyperfocusing I had. Oddly enough she crafts intricate worlds for her little toy friends, exactly as I did when I was a boy, to the point of obsession.

My signs started very early like kindergarten getting in trouble and being the class clown. I distinctly remember writing in my 4th grade journal how little I liked school. She is already saying she wishes she didn't have to go to school.

I figure it should become obvious by 4th grade especially under Daddy's watchful eye. The nasty comorbid stuff like depression didn't really hit me until 7th grade.

It's nice to know that there are so many good treatments now so if it turns out she does have it.