Well, I hate to say this, but odds are that in a town of <50,000 people, a parent of a EG or PG child isn't going to have much company.

(I should know.)

So a lot depends on just how different your child is from age-mates.

Some places that draw smarty-pants PARENTS reliably in very small towns include
libraries (though you've clearly got this one covered!)
chess/book clubs
quirky book or comics shops
hardware stores.

The U of A has a few programs for distance education, too.

Just some ideas to keep you thinking.

Have you checked out any tribal resources near you? I know that up there, outside of the cities, there is sometimes fluidity/crossover in terms of tribal and regional governmental resources for residents. Might be something to look into. smile

I have had family on the Kenai peninsula since the airbase was built, so I understand what you're saying about distances and travel up there. <waves hello>

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.