Originally Posted by smacca
**Hey look, my first post**

I'm desperately seeking an IRL community of parents who I can casually chat with about my preschool-aged kid.
Are you in the US? If so, have you looked up your state's gifted association?
Have you eyeballed http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/conferences.htm

If you want to be brave, mention what general part of the country you live in,and we'll see if any of us knows someone.

Also OK to post a sign up in the local Library for Parent/Child book discussion group forming for 2-4 year olds with your contact info on it. Or a similar classified add in your local newspaper....Or ask you local librarian/pediatrician/accountant/dentist that if they ever run into any kids that 'remind' them of your kid, please to give your phone number.
Also look at any homeschooling local resources, as there are often folks homeschooling because they sense that their children would be a poor fit in age-ranked classrooms, so if they don't identify as gifted families, they well may be.

Smiles, and thanks for de-lurking,

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