I have a question about my ds's WISC III report, really out of curiosity and to find an explanation for why he seems so different! His scores were given to us in ranges as follows: VCI: 126-141 PIQ: 115-131 and FSIQ: 128-139 His Processing Speed score was at the 34th percentile which did, and still does point to an issue with writing and hand-eye coordination.
It would seem to me that his scores should put him in the so-called "optimally gifted" range, but this doesn't seem to hold true for him. He has real trouble relating to age-peers, finds school completely without intellectual challenge and seems to have a deep knowledge of things that most people either don't understand or aren't interested in! I thought he would find middle school a challenge but the opposite is true. If I thought he was something other than "regular gifted" I would try to change tack educationally, but his WISC scores don't appear to bear that out.

He did hit a few subtest ceilings and I wonder what that really means in terms of the true picture of him. This is just my own curiosity and attempt to understand what makes him tick, or whether I should be supporting him in other ways. He does attend CTY summer camp, but is also taking our national examinations this year and doing very badly which is making me very concerned. He's a great kid and endlessly fascinating to me, but I wish his education journey was more interesting for him. Someone tell me to take a few deep breaths and let him find his own path, please?? And if you have any insight into the WISC III I'd be delighted.