Thanks to everyone for all the input. I tried to reply a few days ago but the forum wasn't working for me. Hopefully this goes through!

I understand that my main focus is my child, as it should be, but I guess I get this busybody attitude where I think that there should be something for every child that has extra talents. I was reading a brochure/e-doc on starting a parenting group for gifted/talented, and it really puts into focus the fact that once you start something, eventually you're going to walk away from it as your kids get older, and you don't want to let it die after you move on. That's how I feel. I want more for the kids as they are now, but I want to make sure that the kids that'll come through a decade from now will have something.

We're doing a lot of reading, and thinking, and trying to figure out the best path to take. Perhaps it's just going to be something extra, like an after school club. We've got Lego Robotics, and one or two other clubs, but they are for older kids. I don't want any child to have to wait to be challenged or extra-educated.

I know we're taking on a lot with this, and that's okay. We (the other mom and I) volunteer a lot already, so we're not scared to add a few more hours to our week.

How do you think we can go about finding other parents or other talented kids? Is it as easy as sending out a flyer, or is this something we should discuss with the teachers?