Thank you for the great list of questions, HowlerKarma! I just went through all of them with the person who would be DS's teacher at the charter school.

I also double-checked that DS could be at a different grade level for each subject, if needed. She confirmed this and said that they will put together the curricula/courses individual to his needs/levels.

I also met with DS's current principal today and he is willing to have DS come in for about 1.5 hours each day for music/PE, as well as Spanish Language Development. So that will be great to have that access for DS to see his friends and stay connected with the Spanish he's been learning.

To be honest, this all sounds too good to be true right now. And I'm sure there will be some glitches along the way, but I'm excited about the prospect of at least trying something new for DS. Hopefully it will be a great fit! Cross your fingers for us!

Thanks again everyone for your wonderful support!