Originally Posted by NTmom
However, once January hit, he started misbehaving. And now it is happening again (e.g. correcting his teacher in a disrespectful way, not staying on task, making jokes and being silly when not appropriate).
FWIW, For years I have dealt with the "correcting adults in a disrespectful way" issue, and I am just now learning that the correcting of adults may not be intentional "disrespect" at all on the part of an HG child, it is often an honest reaction and most adults are offended/threatened by it. Is there even a respectful way for an 8 Year old to correct an adult - no matter how right the kid is and how wrong the adult is? It takes a strong adult to not be defensive about being corrected by a child. If I had known then what I know now, I would have spent some time teaching my DD more role playing and behavioral therapy, it might have saved everyone a lot of stress.