I've missed you too, Kriston!

Some of the old-timey readers (that are pretty easy) dated 1940's-50's are good for having questions after short stories. You can usually find them in antique stores and such. I rarely find them in used book stores. Did she say anything about expressive language disorder? I think we've talked about this before, but am unsure, since my son has ELD. That is a problem for him right now as well, but practicing with questions is helping. I haven't spoken to you in a while; but we recently discovered that DS5 also has visual tracking issues and some vestibular issues where he hadn't integrated primary reflexes yet...both causing him major issues. What a relief THAT was to hear!!! I knew that something was up. One more step towards clarity.:)

It's so good to hear that you are doing well and getting some answers!

Mom to DS6