Hi all.
A quick update on my last post - I'm sure to have lots of questions once my brain starts functioning again, bit numb at the moment.
We had DS8 reassessed in the school holidays because of various issues that were coming up at school. His results came back with a WISC IV FSIQ of 130, which we found a little odd given he has been accelerated a year into a GT class since 6 months into school. (Age 5.5) Anyway for us the more concerning part was a self-concept test with lots of low averages and a thought that he might have dysgraphia.
So we did some searching and calling around and found a local group that specialises in SLD's and also runs a school for kids with SLD's. They were able to fit him in for an assessment with an occupational therapist yesterday. Long story short she has assessed him as dyspraxic.
Mixed feelings:
a little relief - you've known something is not right and been dealing with it anyway you can.
a little angry - we paid a lot of money to the 'best' local OT two years ago - she spent an hour observing him at school and declared a 'small' problem with his hand-writing but that was it. What I saw yesterday was so different and so enlightening too.
a little overwhelmed - want to react as I have done to date but like today when I heard that DS had been sent out of class twice for 'untidy' hand writing practice and for being too slow in getting his poem written I didn't handle it as calmly as I might have last week. Obviously a little more stressed than normal and now my DS has a disability probably a tad more protective than usual, coupled with the fact that I really don't like his relief teacher, for me she is way too rigid with the kids and unfortunately he has her every Tuesday! I just know she sees him as lazy and unproductive. His class is a pilot for self regulated learning, the downside is they are meant to be self motivated and organised, the upside is they have their own laptops and do typing lessons and write a lot on them. I briefly touched on his difficulties and that accommodations would be clearer once we have the report from the OT. Her immediate response was well he shouldn't be in this class then.... oh and good luck with accommodations!
So if I'm here a lot on Tuesday nights having a rant please be kind or I may fall off my keep-fit wagon and return to the old vino
Well here goes - seat-belt's buckled I'm changing direction on this exhausting journey so will be looking for lots of advice and BTDT experiences. There is sure to be questions as I research and get more back from the OT.
I'm shattered - off to bed, will be back to share some of the fascinating things I saw yesterday, good to know if others have seen the same things. Thanks for listening.