The one thing I'm quite relieved about is that he was accelerated a year before all his 'issues' really surfaced and now I don't think they will go back on that as he can and does operate at that level despite his relief teacher clearly stating he shouldn't be in that class! At K level (yr 1 over here) we had the pysch who did his testing come to the meeting and basically she said move him up a level or he'll be removed from school - so they did...
From all the reading I have done in the last few days the message I'm getting is that they should be at their academic level with accomodations for their disability and not the other way around, so I'm going to have a few of those quotes with me when we finally have the school meeting. Although I really don't think that will be my problem, they have known what he's like and it was the principle who recommended him for the class so I don't see that changing but wether we get any accommodations for him will be a different matter. At the moment he has a teacher aide 1/2 a day for his severe allergies but that is supposed to stop in June as he should be 'self managing' by then. His OT is going to say in her report that with Dyspraxia he won't be so hopefully that will help the funding issue.
Wish you luck - whew its tough....