Nope, only in parts of the UK

grin I was simplifying. The tests aren't compulsory in any part of the UK any more, but many of the English and Welsh schools still use them. But I stand corrected - the Scots do things in their own way! wink

As for independent school - I really don't know. Money is really tight at the moment, and dd is actually the middle child of 3 bright children. My eldest, who is 13, has multiple difficulties including a dx of Asperger and ADHD yet has a non verbal reasoning of 141 - and a verbal score which is let down by his inability to understand social contexts.... Whereas the youngest (5) is also, according to his teachers) exceptionally able - but an altogether disruptive influence in the classroom. So whilst I do actually have the possibility of getting a substantial bursary for dd to go to a private school (one school has already indicated they will try to offer us about 75%) it still leaves me with a bill which is more than I can REALLY afford, and then 3 children all in different schools, only one of which would really be having her needs met. And I find that hard to justify.... I suppose it would be fairer to provide each with a small amount of out of school tutoring, but even that can be fairly hit or miss....