I will disagree, to some extent. Although I think you do get careless mistakes due to boredom, I think you also develop habits about stuff that is easy and just rushing through it that a child can be sloppy.

DD is like that. I know that when it was more of challenge, her handwriting was good, she took her time. And now she can be very careless that you think she made a mistake because the 9 looks like a 4 or crosses the top of her 0 and it could be a 6.

She has piano pieces that challenge her and she likes when she puts it together and can play it fast but it is "sloppy" in that it isn't perfect and her teacher likes it perfect. And she really has a habit of not pushing it to that limit and we fight. But I notice it in her ballet and gymnastics. Not that she won't ever go to perfect and do what is asked to make it really good, but she has developed some bad habits of sloppiness

---which may have started with easy tasks that bored her. But I see a trend even with challenge now.
