My school has had FPS teams for years and even had teams and individuals go to international. Kids can enter as individuals as well. It is a group effort that involves research on a topic. They are then given a "fuzzy" prompt. which is a hypothetical situation that needs a solution. Kids then brainstorm and proceed through a process where they document and write down idea and possible solutions. they then choose one solution as the best weighing positives and negatives. They have to support choices and work through things. It is important to have a strong recorder to write things down. there also needs to be those who can think outside the box. It can be challanging for black/white kids or those with weak social skills who don't work in groups. Packets are then scored as bronze silver gold at state level. There is a DI type activity but it is not scored only the written responses. Also in the months before there are practice fuzzies and then a qualifying one. Advisors are given the years topics at beginning of the school year.