As a homeschooler and teacher, it does sound like you are overestimating how long it will take. Even a developmentally middle-of-the-road child spends a lot of time waiting for their turn, lining up, having the roll taken, etc etc etc. You can get through academic work much more quickly when it is one-on-one.

That said, if it isn't an option for what ever reason, it is worth remembering that schools are there to provide a service to you and your child. This is your child. They may try to make you feel like there are no options, but I have read some amazing stories here about what parents have achieved for their children when they just don't let go!

TBH though, whenever I think about the amount of work I would have to do to get my child through school where I live, home education sounds like the easy option. smile

I understand the feeling you have of wanting to do better for your child than you had yourself. I feel that too. I also understand feeling like you aren't sure how you would do that, or that whatever you do is wrong. Honestly though, as an adult, I feel that the things that annoy me the most weren't when someone was trying and got it wrong, it was when they frankly couldn't care less. I cling to that. Hopefully my children will at least know I tried really hard to do the right thing.