Hey shifty,
A'wright. I'll share. http://iquim.org/. Is my very expensive hobby. They say you can make a career out of it, but I wouldn't recommend it. Naturopaths only make $40 k a year and a single lawsuit would wipe you out. What they mean is this non-accredited school degree will qualify you to be liscensed with several professional practitioner boards and makes you practitioner insurance eligible. But it has room for useful research to be done. Mixing modern particle physics with old homeopathy and wives tales. I'm bout to get boo'd off this forum, but I thought if I could discover the science behind the juju we could cure cancer without rotting your liver as a payment for the cure. I'm an atheist who had a zealous PenticostL childhood and has had an interest in home remedies and anatomy since the age of 12. I'm searching for a T.O.E. through biology, how ego-centric is that? )yup, been reading the Wizard of Quarks, thanks Raddy(. I think if you make a gut you're just kidding yourself.
Like I said, this is just an expensive hobby. I'm a housewife with a hubby buying my dinner and pampers. I'm supplementing my homeopathic rich history with IQUIM, physics, and math studies ala Amazon dot com. The hubby doesn't mind because he wants a miracle when he gets old. I've learned from the Thursday night Big Bang not to share research ideas because someone else might get credit. But if you succeed before me (doubtful, mwaa-ha-ha*) I'll have to be content with the world just being a better place.

But you're 21, Wheezie, you probably don't have a hub y to pay your phone bill. You're probably to liberated and am itious for that anyway. Mine was an accident, thank God. So, you probably need money and a place to be. Job Corp is made for people your age. I don't know if they help you into college or not. If you can research particle physics you can research a friggin pell grant. Whoa, whoa. Too much attitude LaTexican, sorry Shift. That's a legitimate quiestion if you can go from cc to the ivy league. It seems you can. Another legitimate quiestion, posted other places, is "are the student loans worth the cost". I don't know, but there's money to live on while you study.

* is it ok to say mwaa-ha-ha if you're only a mad scientist not an evil genuis? See I have plans for data mining of human experimentation and mathematical simulations of lab experiments on human beings, but I currently have no plans available of becoming an evil genuis.

**anyone who goes to iquim pm me, because I think if you sign up I get a discount. Like I said it's expensive and I have no plans to make a career of it:). And anyone studying similar stuff. Let's talk using this thread, or the Quantum Physics thread. Or pm me. Anyone doing the forex, I'll be there shortly. Just gotta do some home repairs first. Wren?

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar