I was/am definitely what is considered gifted, but my mother states that DS7 is far beyond where I was at his age.

But, and not to toot my own horn, I think that she may not have known my full potential because 1. I am a girl, so I tended not to show signs of boredom, etc... and 2. because I was her first born, and the first of a whole new generation. She also had issues with her own self-awareness/self-esteem, which I believe hindered her ability to really recognize what I needed as a child. Don't get me wrong, she is (and was) a terrific mother, but I believe she was stuck in a very "old school" way of thinking until I was a teenager. I believe truly that both of my parents are gifted as well, even though my mother will say I got my "smarts" from my father. I just wish I got all of his other talents as well (he's an extremely good artist & musician). I hope at least one of my DC get it! smile