I agree Dottie that it has to be in the way they think. But then I cannot figure out the difference in the levels, it is so subjective. I do see in DD3 that "what did you just say?" moments that really strike you. But I am not objective or knowledgeable enough to figure out if that is level 3 or level 5.

She isn't even 3.5 but she can read when she wants to. And she wants to when she wants to, not when I decide to put a book in front of her. She wants to have control over her abilities. She will do math when she wants to, do puzzles when she wants to. There is internal motivation, sometimes it is very strong, how do I measure that? How did Ruf measure it? She does not disclose her methodology. Doesn't even hint at it. Just provides a checklist that has a lot of overlap.

She says that level 3 can do the elementary curriculum in 2 years, a level 5 in one year. So in this group here, how many PG kids have done the elementary curriculum in 1 year? And moved through high school by the time they are at least 12?

She talks about middle school being kind of a wash for level 3s.

Any comments on how your kids have fared compared to her examples?
