I find these comments more interesting "between the lines" than Ruf's book.

And I have to agree with gratified3 that fastidiousness at the table doesn't make sense to me. DD3 can use her fork very well, many times she refuses as a challenge.

DD3 is a perfect Ruf example of a baby/toddler that ended interaction and attention, just for the stimulation but then she gives anecdotes about a toddler playing by themselves for hours, absorbed in some activity. How do I spell contraction in terms?

Working as suggested, I figured level 4. Maybe level 3, definitely not lower. The strange thing, when I went through Level 5 list, I could see many things, but the parental anecdotes were a few months ahead of my memory of events. So I don'get her perception of how she created the list. I also agree that physical development has to assist the verbal and early talking astounds me. What I did notice with DD is that when she did hit a milestone, she was away to the races.

I wish she would define the non linear and auditory differnces. I think that would be more interesting.
