Originally Posted by Wren
So if there is one per year, it didn't make Ruf's case and the IQ scores from Giga and Ruf's book didn't line up.


So I am wondering if there is a level 6 that would be like in the Giga.

I had never heard of the Giga Society so I looked it up...and now I know why I'd never heard of them!

They have only 7 members in the world, and none of the tests they use to determine IQ scores are, to my knowledge, given with any regularity in the U.S.:

Test For Genius (Dutch, Eng, French, German)
Nemesis Test (Eng, Dutch)
Final Test, Laatste Test
Test To End All Tests, Test Der Testen
Cooijmans Intelligence Test (Eng, Dutch)
Space, Time and Hyperspace
Association Subtest (LTFG)
Analogies Subtest (LTFG)

I've never even heard of these tests. And a score of 190 or 196 is required (depending upon the test) in order to qualify for the group.

I realize these are people way out in the tippy-tip of the tail, yet I'd still bet money that there are more than 2 people in the U.S. who meet the qualifications for this group; if no one takes the tests, no one would ever know that they qualify. And if these tests aren't administered regularly in other parts of the world, those potential members are being missed, too.

Has anyone else heard of this group before?

Is Giga your watermark for defining PG, Wren? If so, I don't think you're operating within a framework that the rest of us are, or the entire rest of the GT community is, for that matter...

I certainly don't mean to pick a fight, but I think you might be coming at this whole GT thing from a very different place than we are, and it might affect the way we all communicate.
