Originally Posted by AmberJewelCR
I don't want to be the annoying parent that thinks my DS needs special treatment, and that's what I feel like.
He probably does need special treatment. Giftedness is a special educational need (in my book anyway) - I don't really believe in asking a teacher to make a whole lot of changes to 'what she does that works for most kids' for one kid, because I think it is rude - that leaves asking for your child to be tested to see what setting already exist that are a match for him, and moving him there. Especially if he is starting to act out.

The early meeting are usually
1) identify the problem - child acts out, we aren't sure why
2) come up with an action plan to figure out the roots of the problem,
then in future meetings you
3) come up with action plans to get at the roots
4) try the plans out

Love and More Love,

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