I believe that it has been mentioned here before, but there are times when the districts which have a reputation of being "good" are not the best fit for gifted kids. They are deemed "good schools" usually b/c they don't have a lot of non-proficient kids and they have a reasonable number of kids who test advanced.

For that reason, it is not terribly hard to find a good number of kids who read above grade level, for instance, like in your ds' class. The school may, therefore, feel like they are doing fine placing the gifted kids in the top reading group in the class or the top math group, and so on. Since there are other high achievers, unusual measures are not often taken for a child who is different.

How about suggesting that you would fund a program like EPGY if he could work on it independently at school or would he not do well with independent work of that sort at his age? Would they be willing to try sending him to 2nd grade for just one subject like math or reading?