Hi Amber.

I see that you live in Austin. Does your son go to school in the AISD? Depending on your school district there are gifted programs and some start in Kindergarten. Have you asked to have him tested or looked to privately test him? There is a gifted school in Austin: ACE Academy but of course it is private with the cost of tuition.

My advice would be to see about the gifted programs in your school: when do they start and how do they determine eligibility. I know you are fearful of acceleration and if this is not a route you want to consider you can always ask for enrichment: harder work to be given to him in class. Maybe even a pull out for his stronger subjects.

My DD is 4 and we have already decided public school will not be a good placement for her. She goes to a private Spanish Immersion program full time and we plan to keep her there through 5th grade (so long as it remains a good fit).