Do you have any trusted friends, partners, realtives that you could ask for pointers from?

I do think that it's a common problem, but nothing jumps out from the page that might hint me towards a suggestion or solution.

Often friends and family members are similar gifted-wise. Have any of them had to tackle this problem? Do they have any successes to share?

How were things in school - did the kids back then think you were pretentious? Can you talk more about the first time this situation occured?

Lately I've been reading up on
and trying to experimentally see if there is anything to it. What I like about the model presented in Chapter 2 is that it acknowledges that folks can be extreamly strong in ways that can be hard to handle if the other part of their development aren't also well developed. Then it shows some relatively painless ways to develop the less developed parts. They expect that you'll see change start after about a month, which is fast in my book.

If you take a look at that system of thought, I'd be interested to hear if you feel it was helpful.

Love and More Love,

Coaching available, at