I had some awesome teachers in high school who tried to challenge me, but still understood that everyone had SOMETHING that was tough for them. But some of the others, and my mom, didn't see it that way. Therein lies the problem - my mom was constantly setting ridiculous expectations for me so I was all but sure to fail. As a result, by about 8th grade I got sick of failing and stopped trying. So the straight A's that I was getting with minimal effort fell to C's and I lost all drive to do anything that required effort for fear that I wouldn't be able to do it right.
It's really hard to give what you weren't given, but those teachers who truly saw you for who you are give me hope that you will be able to be a better parent to your child. I sort of question if As with minimal effort are really so much better than Cs...sooner or later it catches up and I'll bet you found more interesting things to do with your time while you were getting Cs.
((shrugs and more shrugs))