He never took an IQ test. I've been hesitant to give him one, since it isn't requires in north carolina, and because when I took one as a kid, it was used as a weapon against me if there was anything that was difficult for me. (You have a 160 IQ! There is no reason for anything less than a 100 from you!) I thought it best to just skip the IQ test entirely. Is there a good reason to get him tested?
I have no idea how the other students in his class do - the teachers are bound by really strict confidentiality rules. But his teacher did mention that he is way ahead of the rest of the class.
He likes going to school for the social aspect, and gets along well with the other kids, but despises the work. He tells me all the time that it is boring, and has yet to bring home a paper that had a single mistake on it. I firmly believe that if you aren't making mistakes, you aren't learning.
I had a conference with his teacher and the AIG teacher - she had very little to say. But he does have fun playing at home and with the other kids in the neighborhood.
He does tae kwon do - will probably test for black belt within the next 2-3 months. He also played little league baseball last year, and wants to do it again next spring.
If we skip his reading and math, he doesn't forget them, if that's what you're asking. BUt after a couple of days of not doing it, he starts asking when we are going to do it again. Sometimes I give him a break and wait until he asks, just to make sure I'm not overdoing it. It rarely takes more than three days.