Thank you all! Yes, he is a boy, and I would love to have him tested. I even had a consult with the folks at the gifted development center, who told me that he was most likely highly gifted with sensory integration, auditory processing issues, and perhaps tacking issues as well based on his profile. They also told me that they did not recommend testing him, as he is the type who will not do things "well" unless he is actually deeply interested. Hearing and following even basic directions can be a real struggle. They didn't know anyone in our area (SF bay area) they could recommend for testing who really "gets" 2e kids, so unless we can travel to Denver, the recommendation was OT and vision screening for now. We got the OT eval, and are on the wait list to start. I am thinking of getting him tutored by a reading specialist for now. Last year K was a disaster, with him becoming so anxious and depressed from the inappropriate situation that he began seeing a therapist, which has been wonderful, as she really gets him. His older brother was similar, but not as extreme in both "directions" of the 2e. I was able to homeschool him for a few months, and really focus on his basic skills, so that when he returned to school, he was actually 2-3 years above grade level in reading, so there was not as much concern.